Data Privacy

January-February 2019
In honor and support of International Data Privacy Day (January 28) and Data Privacy Month (Jan 28-Feb 28)
Events (view online):
- Data Privacy Day 2019 – Live event from LinkedIn in San Francisco, available online on January 28, 2019.
- EDUCAUSE Live! Artificial Intelligence in Education: Legal Considerations and Ethical Questions on January 29, 2019 from 10am-11am.
Article: Data Privacy and You
All of us exist in digital form on the Internet. It is important to ensure that the digital “you” matches what you intend to share. It is also important to keep what’s private, private, for yourself and when you’re sharing about others. Owning your online presence will help to protect your identity, finances, and reputation – both now and in the future! [More... See the full article]
Article: "I have nothing to hide. Why should I care about privacy?"
Three reasons for the university community to care about privacy.
By Lisa Ho and Kenneth Goldberg, UC Berkeley. Feb 2017
Click on thumbnail for full size flyer.
Do you know where your information is? |
Protect your personal information. |
Protect Your Privacy |
Own your online presence |
Videos :
- Own Your Online Presence - by UCSB (0:42 sec)
- Three tips for protecting your online privacy - from STOP. THINK. CONNECT. (1:00 min)
- Five Ways to Help Protect Your Identity - from the Federal Trade Commission (1:25 min)
“TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY”: UC locations interested in holding a screening of this documentary can email Cecelia Finney, to arrange to check out a licensed screening copy of the DVD. Please provide ample advance notice for all requests!
(Also available on Netflix and Amazon Prime for individual viewing.)
- “NOTHING TO HIDE - The documentary about surveillance and you”: (approx 1 1/2 hrs)
Social Media Posts:
Click on the thumbnail to download the image.
Could you be sharing more than you think? Review your privacy settings this Data Privacy Day (January 28). #PrivacyAware |
Privacy is everyone's business. If you collect it, protect it. #PrivacyAware
Social Media Hashtags:
Additional Resources from
- Poster of activity suggestions for Data Privacy Day/Month (pdf)
- Your Privacy in a Growing INTERNET OF ME (pdf)
- Help managing your privacy on devices and privacy settings, for various population ages
- Get involved at home. Information about raising digital citizens, cyberbullying, gaming, and important privacy tips
- 5 Ways to Help Employees be #PrivacyAware This Privacy Awareness Day (January 2019)