Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022
Welcome to UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month - UCCAM! This year's campaign theme this year is Overcoming the Human Factor. We each need to develop an understanding around our responsibility and accountability for our individual roles and actions in cyber safety. Events are once again online and accessible through the centralized events registration portal below. #BeCyberSmart and spread the word!
Download your UCCAM 2022-themed Zoom backgrounds for every location!
Snapshots By KnowBe4 - Short Video Training
Security Snapshots is a supercharged shot of security awareness. Each short is a perfectly formed episode that takes a laser guided approach to a single cybersecurity issue from ransomware to bogus wi-fi to document disposal. With a super smart voiceover, and elegant slow mo, a whole drama is played out in a single set up.
Episode 15: Monique makes a terrific buddy. She’s reliable and generous and, as it turns out, a bit gullible too. These are admirable qualities in a friend but also make her a perfect target for someone with less charitable motives.
Watch all 15 episodes through the UC Learning Center
Cinema Event
Watch the full-length True Eye video (17:54 min.) on your own or virtually with your team. Bring popcorn and make it an event!

Accessibility and Security Cross-section
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 11a.m. - 12p.m.
Does cybersecurity make IT less accessible for people with disabilities? Does accessibility make IT less secure? Or can there be a way for both to work together to make technology in the UC system more accessible AND more secure? In this conversation-starting webinar, panelists from both groups will talk about ways in which collaboration between accessibility and cybersecurity can and should happen, and why both need to be taken into account when planning, developing, buying, and/or implementing new technologies.
Accessibility and Cybersecurity are both important considerations, particularly in inclusive yet cyber-vulnerable environments like those in the University of California system. Typically, conversations on these two topics are completely separate, but today we're bringing them together in a panel discussion to increase understanding and awareness of both sets of needs. With some effort and collaboration, it's possible to make technology both more accessible and more secure.
View a recording of The State of Authentication 2022 with Allthenticate
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Barbara
Cybersecuring America: A United Mission
Thursday, October 6, 2022 10a.m. - 11a.m.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month, launched nineteen years ago, represents the importance of public/private partnerships in cyber.
In 2021, the White House and executive leadership from several major technology companies announced their commitment to bolstering the nation’s cybersecurity. Public and private sectors are coming together to secure technology, protect our critical infrastructure, and fill the cybersecurity careers gap. It seems, cybersecurity has the power to unify America’s leaders. But there is still work to be done.
In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, elected officials, government leaders and industry executives will come together to discuss our united mission to cybersecure America.
Nitin Natarajan, Deputy Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Steven Kelly, Senior Director for Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology, National Security Council
Rick Synder, Former Governor of Michigan
Kate Charlet, Director for Data Governance, Google
Darren Shou, Chief Technology Officer, NortonLifeLock
Bobbie Stempfley, Vice President and Business Unit Security Officer, Dell Technologies
Lisa Plaggemier, Executive Director, National Cybersecurity Alliance
Cybersecurity Trends and Threats in 2022 with the FBI Cyber Squad - Special Agent Nicholas Phiripiddis and Special Agent Bradley Swenson
Friday, October 11, 2022 12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.
Hosted by UC Davis
Details to come.
Cybersecurity: Securing the Election Process
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:00a.m.
Americans rely on the security and resilience of the infrastructure that makes elections possible. Join Angela Orebaugh, Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, to learn about the sociotechnical issues of securing election processes.
We will also hear about the Cyber Navigator Internship Program (VA-CNIP) which was created to train future cybersecurity professionals to protect election infrastructure and support information systems in Virginia election localities.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Twitter Chat
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:00a.m.
Join the conversation as @StaySafeOnline and @CISAgov host a Twitter chat in honor of #CybersecurityAwarenessMonth! Participants will share #cybersecurity best practices and resources around 2022’s key messaging -- passwords and password managers, multi-factor authentication, software updates and phishing.
All questions will be posted from @StaySafeOnline starting at 2pm ET/11am PT.
Hashtag: #CyberChat
Moderator: @StaySafeOnline
Education Sector: Back-to-School for Cyber Criminals Too
With the California Cybersecurity Integration Center (Cal-CSIC)
Friday, October 14, 2022 2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.
The presentation will cover an introduction to Cal-CSIC, the current cyber threat landscape for the education sector for both K-12 and higher education, and go over some current threat trends with a part on mitigation.
Yu Chao is currently a Cyber Threat Warning Analyst with the California Cyber Security Integration Center (Cal-CSIC) embedded with the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center (LAJRIC). In addition, he is a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) analyst with the California Army National Guard's (CAARNG) 171 Cyber Protection Team (CPT). Yu has over 19 years of experience in the military; bringing a wealth of knowledge from assignments focused on Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), all-source fusion analysis at various eschelons, to Emergency Management support through Defense Support of Civilian Operations (DSCA) operations. Yu holds a B.S. in Diplomacy and International Relations from Seton Hall University, and is currently pursuing a Masters In Cybersecurity Engineering at the University of San Diego.
View a recording of Privacy & Cybersecurity Law For All
Monday, October 17, 2022 12p.m. - 1p.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Barbara
The presentation will highlight recent headlines in the privacy/cyber legal context while explaining the basic landscape of present and future cybersecurity and privacy laws, and their connection to the human element. This will be an interactive session with plenty of time for audience Q&A.
View A Recording of We Like Your Product — Can You Pass Our 26-Page Security Assessment?
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Barbara
Third-party cybersecurity risk management has become a major priority for nearly everyone, whether mandated by board governance, regulatory requirements, or internal mandates. What does this look like from the vendor side, and how can you best work with your vendors on topics such as internal security controls, SDLC, compliance, and vulnerability management?
This presentation will examine the Assurance & Trust program at HPE-Aruba and address how the company commonly deals with security concerns from customers. We will leave plenty of time for Q&A so please bring your questions.
Cyber Threats and Trends in 2022
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 2p.m. - 3p.m.
Hosted by UC Irvine
The presentation will cover significant cyber activity and trends, threat actors and their motivations, the FBI's role, and ways to protect your business and yourself.
Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Bryan Willett has been an FBI Special Agent for over 18 years. He has spent the majority of this time investigating cyber violations and has worked in two FBI field offices and at FBI Headquarters, Cyber Division. He is a licensed attorney and has earned several IT Security certifications, including the CISSP. He currently works in the FBI's LA Field Office where he is the Supervisory Special Agent for FBILA’s Orange County based Cyber Squad.
View a recording of Zoom Security & Awesome New Features
Friday, October 21, 2022 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Barbara
It has been another year of utilizing Zoom as our primary communication tool across the UC System. Giselle Brun from Zoom will discuss some of Zoom’s new advanced security features & best practices to demonstrate how to effectively use them to keep your meetings safe and secure. In addition, she will explore some awesome new features and how to incorporate them successfully into your Zoom sessions.
Monday, October 24, 2022 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Hosted by UCSF
Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to the use of psychological manipulation to trick people into divulging sensitive information (information gathering) or performing actions (fraud, unauthorized system access.) Rosa L. Smothers, Senior Vice President of Cyber Operations at KnowBe4, will discuss these types of approaches and ways to be a “human firewall” for UC and your digital life.
View a recording of Human Hacking & Social Engineering
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Barbara
"You Are the Gate Keeper" with the Orange County District Attorney's Office
Thursday, October 27, 2022 2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.
Hosted by UC Irvine
Description: The presentation will cover various types of cybercrimes handled by the DA’s office and how to identify and protect yourself from becoming a victim. It will also cover basic cryptocurrency tips to protect yourself from scammers and phishing attacks.
Deborah Kwon has been serving the public as a criminal prosecutor since 2015. She graduated from the Pepperdine University School of Law with a certificate in Criminal Law. She is also certified in Alternate Dispute Resolution by the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. Deborah started her career as a Deputy District Attorney at the Tulare County District Attorney’s Office, where she handled countless cases involving serious and violent crimes. In Tulare, she specialized in prosecuting child abuse, animal abuse, sex offender registration failures, gangs, and crimes against peace officers. In 2018, she transferred to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, where she continued to handle serious and violent crimes. She is currently in the Major Fraud Unit, specializing in Cryptocurrency fraud. Deborah is currently working with various branches of law enforcement to develop the investigative infrastructure to handle matters involving blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens, and all things metaverse.
Anthony Schlehner has been a Deputy District Attorney since 2013 and has devoted his entire career to being a criminal prosecutor. After graduating as his law school’s valedictorian and joining the California bar, he immediately began working for the Orange County District Attorney’s office where he is now part of the Major Fraud Unit specializing in Cyber Crime and Fraud. Throughout his career, he has prosecuted serious and violent felonies, domestic violence, gang crimes, identify theft, narcotics, real estate fraud, and numerous other areas of criminal activity. Anthony is a member of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators and is currently working with branches of local law enforcement and the Federal government to develop investigative tactics relating to cryptocurrency fraud.
Take Control of Your Security and Privacy on Social Media Workshop
Friday, October 28, 2022 12:00p.m. - 1:30p.m.
Hosted by UC Santa Cruz
Social media has become increasingly prevalent in our lives. It's how we connect with our family, friends and the world. But in having a social media account we are also sharing our private information for all to see. It has come to a point where we are ignoring our own security and privacy to have these Apps because we don't want to lose their social aspects.
This workshop will empower you to take control of your security and privacy when it comes to social media. We will discuss tips and tricks to lock-down your accounts with Diana Freed, Researcher and PhD Candidate, Cornell University; and Julio Poveda, PhD student, Computer Science, University of Maryland.
This event will be co-hosted by UCSC student and Information Security Assistant, Magdalena Ramirez, and UCSC ITS Compliance Coordinator, Cecilia Carrillo.
Infographics & Tip Cards/Sheets
National Cybersecurity Alliance
- Enable Multifactor Authentication
- Use Strong Passwords and a Password Manager
- Update Your Software
- Recognize and Report Phishing
- Ransomware
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- Parent and Educators Tip Card
- Chatting with Kids about Being Online Booklet
- Student Tip Cards
- Savvy Cyber Kids (3-7 year olds)
- Internet Safety with McGruff the Crime Dog
- NetSmartz, a program of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
- FBI Safe Online Surfing program (3-8 grade students)
- Federal Communications Commission
Want to know more?