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Information Technology Policy and Security Community of Interest

The UC Information Technology Policy and Security (ITPS) group is a community supported by the Systemwide CISO’s office. This systemwide group is open to all UC information security professionals, all UC Workforce members who have information security as a portion of their job responsibilities and anyone at UC who is interested in cybersecurity.

ITPS focuses on sharing information related to cyber security programs, case studies, risk management, initiatives, threat briefings and training. For 10 months of the year, the group meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 9:00 - 10 am. Attending the monthly calls is a good way to stay informed on UC initiatives and to hear case studies from peers throughout UC.

Get Involved

The ITPS Listserv is an active community where members exchange ideas and ask questions. To join the listserv or inquire about speaking at an ITPS meeting or suggest a topic, please contact Wendy Rager, Cyber-risk Coordination Center Manager. Your involvement will contribute to the vibrant discussions in our community!

ITPS Calendar 2025

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